One giant leap
for your website
Sign in to WordPress with your iMIS login
- Works with the built-in iMIS SSO.
- Simple, flat-fee pricing includes implementation and the first year of plugin updates.
- Created, maintained, and installed by Philstack Phil.
- Up and running in hours (not weeks!).
SSO doesn't have to be painful.
- Purchase includes installation and configuration.
- Built for iMIS EMS Enterprise using built-in SSO with no extra code required on the iMIS side.
- iMIS RiSE is the login page for WordPress.
- Member Type can be set as the their WordPress role, or all users can be assigned the same role.
- Easy to use admin menu for OAuth settings, debugging, and role options.
Unlock the potential of your data with
WordPress secured by iMIS.

- Create new benefits like members-only newsrooms and resource libraries.
- Build board and committee portals with secured content.
- Level up your existing WordPress site with members-only features.
- Personalize the WordPress user experience using profile info from iMIS.
More Details and Pricing
Enter your email and I’ll send you all the details and more about the Philstack iMIS SSO plugin for WordPress.