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How to Set Up iMIS SSO with WordPress

Single Sign On (SSO) allows your users to log into WordPress using iMIS.

  • This is done using the Philstack iMIS SSO Plugin for WordPress and iMIS EMS Enterprise.

  • This post provides a general overview of configuring SSO with iMIS and WordPress and shows you how the plugin works.

Before we begin...

  • You will need to know the basics of how to use iMIS and WordPress as an administrator.  
  • You will need admin-level access to both iMIS and WordPress.


The purchase of the Philstack iMIS SSO plugin for WordPress includes white-glove installation and configuration of SSO between your iMIS system and one WordPress site.

When you buy the plugin, Phil does everything below (and more) for you at no extra charge!


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Configuring iMIS


Login to your iMIS EMS Enterprise Staff site as a user with system administrator privileges.  Then, navigate to Settings > Contacts > Client Applications.

Where to find the iMIS client application settings for SSO


Click ‘Add client application’ and complete the following fields, then click Save:

Fields you must complete when setting up a new SSO

Client ID – this is a unique identifier that you pick, it can be anything. This example will use “WordPressSSO” as the client ID.

  • Keep this value somewhere handy  – you’ll need it for a later step!

Client Secret – this is an important password that is essential to keep secure.  Random string generators like this one are useful for creating long strings that make good passwords.

  • Keep this value somewhere handy and safe – you’ll need it for a later step!

Refresh token lifetime (minutes) – I recommend using the value ’10’.

Login redirect URL – use as a temporary value for this setting.
We will come back and update this later after we have WordPress configured.

Force requests through TLS 1.2 – leave unchecked.

Skip server endpoint validation – check this box to avoid problems with iMIS validating your WordPress server endpoint.  In many environments, there are security conditions that will prevent this validation and result in SSO issues.


Navigate to RiSE > Page Builder > Manage content.  Select your website’s RiSE content folder and click New > Website Content.

This is how to create the new RiSE page that will serve as the SSO redirector


Set the Title to something like “WordPress SSO Redirector”,  then add the built-in SSO iPart using the Add content link:

Configuring the title and adding the SSO iPart to the page

Change the Name field to something like “WordPressSSORedirector”, and select the “WordPressSSO” entry from the drop down menu, then click OK:

Selecting the SSO that we configured in step 2

On the Access Settings tab, change the preconfigured security set to Authenticated Users Full Control.  Then, click Save & Publish:

Changing the access settings so that the SSO page forces the user to log in


After the page is published, edit the page again and copy the publish location URL. It will look something like
  • Keep this value somewhere handy  – you’ll need it for a later step!
  • This is where to find the iMIS redirector URL We will need it later
    PART B

    Configuring WordPress


    Login to your WordPress admin site as a user with admin rights.
    Go to Plugins and click Add New Plugin. Click Upload Plugin and select the Zip file that was provided by Philstack for the Philstack iMIS SSO plugin for WordPress.

    Upload the plugin zip file provided by Philstack
    Click ‘Activate Plugin’ to turn on the plugin:
    Activate the plugin


    Click on Pages and then click Add New Page. Update the page as follows:

    Update the SSO welcome page settings

    Title – Populate the title as something like ‘SSO Welcome’

    Content Block – Input the shortcode [ps-sso-welcome] into a content block.

    Sign In Button – Add a button to the page and label it “SSO Sign In”. Configure the link destination as the iMIS SSO redirect page (URL from part 1 step 5).

    Publish the page – make note of the URL.

    • Keep this value somewhere handy  – you’ll need it for a later step!
    This displays after you publish a WordPress page and makes it easy to copy the URL


    Go back to the WordPress admin main screen. Again, click on Pages and then click Add New Page. Update this page as follows:
    Setting up the SSO return page

    Title – Populate the title as something like ‘SSO Return’.  This page is never displayed to users, so you don’t need to worry much about the title.

    Content Block – Input the shortcode [ps-sso-return] into a content block.

    Publish the page – make note of the URL.

    • Keep this value somewhere handy  – you’ll need it for a later step!


    Click the Philstack iMIS SSO link that was added to the WordPress admin menu. 

    Access the Philstack iMIS SSO plugin admin screen from the left side of the WordPress admin menu

    Configure the settings with the following options:

    • iMIS URL – iMIS URL: this is the URL root of the iMIS site. For example: “”.
    • Client ID – this is the first value we set in part 1 step 2.
    • Shared Secret – this is the second value we set in part 1 step 2.
    • Redirect URL – use the welcome page URL from part 2 step 2.
    • Logout URL – use the welcome page URL from part 2 step 2.

    Click Save at the bottom of the admin page when you have finished entering the settings above.

    Configuring the essential settings for the SSO to function
    PART C

    Update the iMIS Redirect URL


    Back on the iMIS Staff Site, navigate to the Settings > Contacts > Client Applications page. Click on the pencil that corresponds with the client application that we created in part 1 step 2.

    Editing the iMIS SSO client application


    In the Login redirect URL field, replace with the URL for the WordPress SSO return page we set up in part 2 step 3.

    Setting the Login redirect URL to the WordPress SSO return page
    PART D

    Testing and Demonstration


    Open a new Incognito browser window, or open a different browser that has neither iMIS or WordPress logged in. Navigate to the SSO Welcome WordPress page. Click the SSO Sign In button.

    Clicking the SSO Sign In button


    Input your iMIS username and password, then click Sign In.

    Enter your iMIS username and password then Sign In


    You are redirected back to the SSO Welcome page and logged in to both WordPress and iMIS.  The SSO Welcome page displays your username and WordPress role.

    You are redirected back to WordPress an signed in using the data from iMIS
    Next Steps

    Roles and Redirection Options

    Coming soon – more details about how to make sure the user gets logged out from both systems, different redirection scenarios, role options, and more. 

    Stay tuned!  

    Philstack SSO Plugin
    Pricing and Demo

    Enter your email and I’ll send you all the details and more about the Philstack iMIS SSO plugin for WordPress.

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